Sailing stays

On board a sailing boat, bearings are reversed. Firm ground is replaced by moving water under your feet: you float, you roll, you pitch.
Your body adapts and eventually you get a good sailor’s balance. You raise your eyes, look at the clouds and the sea-ripples. You look where the wind comes from … You belong to a crew, launched in the same adventure, the same spirit. You play a part in the action, you have to contribute and help in making headway towards a single point.
Free-choice boardings are meant for pre-formed crews (families, groups of friends, artists) or workers’commitees cooperating together. I can devsie a formula that is tailor-made for your needs and wants.

You are welcome to apply:

Family boarding

Such family,or friend formulas are voyages combine life on board and experiments with an immersion in Nature according to the wind moods : A real break with life on land for the discovery of life at sea.

These are educational holidays with transmission of respect for the sea and the whole environment.

You will practise the correct sailor’s gestures and experience the thrilling feeling, when steering by the wind, swells and sails.

The holiday rhythm is arranged with you in order to combine relaxation, local discoveries when on land, and training allowing children and adults to acquire the basis of sailing.


> See all possible destinations
Destinations are also invented with you, do not hesitate to send me your suggestions if you want a specific destination

Length of stay

Between 7 to 15 days


Minimum 4 persons


From 2000€ boat hire and skipper (according to season and length of stay, harbour taxes and kitty not included)

For more information on dates and destinations, please refer to the “News page”

Accommodation for artists on a sailing boat

The Sea has always been an inspirational space for art and creation. But the view and perspective is different on board a sailing board to what you see from the shore.

Being on board will mean a very spacial experimentation of movement, sound and light and an inexhaustible source of inspiration for writers, painters and sound creators.

Welcome to all artists ready to test the uniqueness of sea movement, its silence, its colours, its horizon with the constraint of the restricted living space of the boat surrounded by immensity.


> See all possible destinations
Destinations are also invented with you, do not hesitate to send me your suggestions if you want a specific destination


5 to 10 days (life on board)


Minimum 4 persons


From 1200€ boat hire and skipper (according to season and length of stay, harbour taxes and kitty not included)

For more information on dates and destinations, please refer to the “News page”

Camp de voile Adolescents

Quand nous avons 15, 16, 17 ans, nous rêvons de vivre une aventure partagée avec les autres de notre âge. Voyager, visiter un nouvel espace, se sentir libre, devenir responsable.

Pour les adolescents, ces camps en voilier sont également un pas vers l’autonomie. Ils participent à la vie collective du bord, ils ont un rôle à jouer dans les manœuvres du bateau, des responsabilités à tenir.

Team Building

Sur un bateau plus qu’ailleurs la collaboration d’équipe prévaut sur l’action individuelle. Chaque membre de l’équipage a un rôle à jouer pour le bon déroulement d’une manœuvre et pour faire avancer le bateau dans la même direction. C’est pour cela que nous proposons à des salariés, collaborateurs d’une société cette formation pour prendre conscience et mettre en pratique le travail d’équipe. Cette formation allie la pratique en mer et les debriefing à terre.

La pratique est faite d’exercices pour illustrer l’importance de la communication, des consignes claires, la distributions des tâches  avec les atouts de chacun.

A terre, la théorie portera sur le retour de la pratique, la mise en parallèle avec le lieu de travail et la réflexion sur les possibles améliorations.